Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

The 4th of July was good this year! We had good food, good company, and made good memories. The only thing missing was good fireworks! It was really windy and a little stormy (lightning and thunder), so we decided not to risk it.

I BBQ'd with Connie, Tim and the kids before Tim had to head off to work:( Then we headed over to the Francom's home for another BBQ. I'm still not sick of BBQ. Spencer, the birth mom to Jenny and Cam's Stella, and her family were over as well. We had a good time talking and enjoying each others company.

Afterwards, Connie and I watched Napolean Dynamite and fell asleep on the couch at her house. It was a low key, relaxing 4th... and I enjoyed every bit of it!!!!
Tim gets a 9 for perfect form, but loses a point for unpointed toes.


Tim and Connie said...

Cute kids! whos are they? j/k I love the one with Michael in the hat... it shows his dimple in the right check and everything! Couldn't/wouldn't have had fun this fourth with out you! PS thank you for showing me the joy of relaxing on the raft in the pool!


LOVE IT! I like all of the cute pictures of Abbey and Mike. I missed you guys up in Heber! The rain stopped and the fireworks were great. Oh well. I'm glad you had fun anyway. Talk to you soon!
Love you.

Tiffany Hartman said...

Stella is so beautiful. It makes me want to cry to see how happy her mommy and daddy look! Abbey is growing up, too! What a pretty lady she's becoming! How fun! I'm excited to go to dinner tomorrow to get caught up. I want to hear about all of the exciting news!