Thursday, February 24, 2011

Belly pictures

For the longest time, I didn't have any way to post my pictures because Dan lost his USB cord.  Well, a couple of days ago we finally bought one!  So now I can post pictures that I wanted to long ago.

This trip to Huntington was a little rough because I had morning sickness, and nothing sounded good to eat.  For those who know me, that is my favorite part of the vacation.  I was barely pregnant here.

For my 26th birthday, Dan and I stayed at a resort, went to The Melting Pot, and Dan took me shopping!  I think I'm 4 months pregnant here.

It's funny to look at these and see how I'm not showing very much at all.  At the time, I thought I was getting so big!

This was when I started to really poke out.

Here I am, about to pop.  Towards the end, I had bad swelling!  My legs and feet were embarrassingly huge.  That ornament is a plumeria ornament my sweet mom brought back for me from her anniversary trip with dad to Oahu.  It is special to me.

Pregnancy was horrible at first because of the nausea and the acid reflux, but that soon went away (the nausea at least!).  When I first felt little flutterings in my belly I was so excited because I finally felt like I was pregnant, even though I wasn't showing yet.  I felt so thick in the beginning months, I wanted to show so badly because I didn't like how I just looked fat!  I always thought it was funny how in the movies, the pregnant women said, "I'm so fat!" all the time when they didn't look it.  Well now I know what they meant because you just feel fat!

It's exciting when strangers look at you, smile, and say, "How far along are you?", or "What are you having?"

Hearing the heartbeat at the doctors always brought me such relief and always put a smile on my face.

Seeing the baby at the ultrasound appointments was so special because I could actually see the little guy moving in there!

People always asked me if I had any cravings during my pregnancy.  I never did.  I ate a lot of grapes and ice cream, but I didn't crave them necessarily.  I have more cravings now that he is born, and I am breast feeding.  I can't get enough Squirt soda.

One of the perks I noticed right away was being blessed with an ample bosom, as you can see in the 2nd picture.  Hello!

I really missed lying on my stomach and flat on my back.  It feels so good to now!

It's a weird thing not to be able to see your feet.

The baby kicks began to get pretty violent there at the end.  Something was constantly wedged in my ribs on the right side, which got pretty painful.  Oh yeah, and the constant urge to pee was torture.

It was all worth it because I got this little boy.  


Tiff said...

I love all of these pictures! How fun! Drake is a beautiful baby (in a masculine way). Look at all of that hair and those dark eyes! How sweet!

I'm so happy that you have a happy, healthy little guy. Congratulations! :)

Kristal and Chance said...

Cute baby! I'm so happy for you guys! I bet you're having so much fun with little Drake. I love how you said, "Words cannot express how life changes and becomes so much sweeter after you become a mother..." you said it perfectly! There's nothing better than being a mommy! :) Congrats!


Awe. I love seeing you as a mom. You remind me of our dedicated and loving. I hope you will let me know if you need anything at all. I can't believe you will be leaving for 5 months! No! I need to see more of you now. Love you!


Carrie, you need a picture of all 3 of you now! Any luck with a photographer? Did you contact Amanda Crookston (I think that's her name). Also, I HAVE to go with you to a beauty supply store asap. I need some more stuff.