Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Catching Up

 It's time to catch up on life!  My baby Drake is now 8 weeks old, and I am the happiest girl in the world.  So, I will start with Thanksgiving... just three months ago.


I remember Thanksgiving well.  I was in some serious pain because I had eaten too much.  Room in the stomach is very limited when you are 7 months pregnant!

Baby Shower

My baby shower was so fun!  We had yummy food and treats, and even hot cocoa!  It was so nice of everyone to come.

Mickey made me this diaper tower/cake, and I am still using these diapers to this day!  Thanks Mickey!

The shower was at Christine's beautiful home.  Christine, Connie, Jenny, and Mickey did such a great job throwing the best baby shower ever.  I'm glad my two favorite girls, Abbey and Stella, were able to come to my shower as well.

"D" Day

Here I am looking refreshed before Drake was born.  I had only been in labor for an hour or so.  My water had broken around 10:00 pm while Dan and I were watching Rambo II.  The movie selection was not my choice!  This was taken down stairs before they took me up to the nice Maternity area.  The nurse behind me gave me the most painful experience in my life.  It was worse than everything combined during the whole labor and delivery.  I shiver just thinking about it.  She checked me to see how much I had dilated and effaced.  That's all I gotta say about that!

And here I am after delivering Drake.  Notice the haggardness?  I was in labor for 12 hours total, and pushed for 45 minutes.  Soon after I got into my room before Drake was born, I was given the epidural, which didn't even hurt at all.  Connie and Christine slept in the room on the floor, poor souls!  The nurse kept coming in to change my positioning so that the numbness was distributing evenly throughout my lower body, so I didn't get a very good nights rest either.  Dan was snoozing on the couch.  Christine had to leave to drop off her car, and we were worried she would miss Drake being born, but she made it!  Connie and Dan had each of my legs (since I couldn't feel anything), and Christine was taking pictures.  It is so hard to push out a baby!  I was not prepared for that.  Maybe it was extra hard because of Drake's hair!

My beautiful, healthy baby boy.  Words cannot express how life changes and becomes so much sweeter after you become a mother.  

My sweet sisters, who are always there for me.  Thank you Connie and Christine!

One of my favorite moments after a baby is born is when they get their first bath.  They almost always cry.  Drake stopped crying when his hair was being washed, it was so cute!  He was really enjoying it.  He still loves it to this day.

We were in the hospital a couple of days extra because the doctor was worried Drake had an infection in his umbilical cord.  They had to put an IV in his poor little arm and keep him in the nursery to give him antibiotics.  All the blood cultures came back normal, thank goodness.  Because we stayed for a few more days, we celebrated New Years in the hospital.  Christine brought a bag of goodies for me and Dan including Martinelli's sparkling cider.  Thanks Christine!  Baby Drake was my first kiss of 2011.

Welcome home baby!



Love all the pictures. Love you. Love that I could help you. Love that sweet baby Drake. Love, Me

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

hey..congrats!!! Drake has to be one of the cutest newborns I have ever seen!!! seriously! Being a mom is the best isnt it?!

congrats again!

Meredith Urry