Sunday, September 2, 2007


We went to Serendipity 3 twice. The first time I couldn't breath out of my nose or taste... so I wanted to go once more when I was a little better so I could actually TASTE the deliciousness! Boy, am I glad we did! They are famous for their Fffrrrrozen Hot Chocolate... which was very good. I got the sundae, and it was divine. Cameron and Jenny have been to NYC a couple of times, and they have told me they like to go to Serendipity more than once a trip. I now understand why. Its a pretty cool place... and the wait wasn't that bad.

Our waiter laughed at Cameron when he ordered the hot herbal tea. I'm sure it felt good on his sore throat. I feel bad because I'm the one who got him sick in the first place!

My sundae was HUGE! The picture doesn't do it justice. This was the "cowards portion"... I wonder what the regular portion looks like?

1 comment:

Heidi Joncas said...

That sundae is HUGE!!! Looks like it was a fun trip.