Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Connie and Tim have been kind enough to house my little Harry for me while I live with Dad and Jackie. Whenever I come over to their house (every day!) he acts a little cold towards me for a while. He doesn't purr when I pick him up and hold him, and wants down quickly. However, after a few hours he warms up and cuddles with me: ) That is what I love most about this darn cat... he's so cuddly! Usually cats stop being like this when they grow up... but Harry... he's just as lovey as the first day I brought him home.
Thanks Connie and Tim! Despite the claritin, allergy eye drops, cat hair, and scratches sustained by miss Abigail they still take care of him for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
At least he hardly uses his cat box and chooses to go outside... that's a plus! : )


Tim and Connie said...

You have, and always will be, the only person Harry will cuddle with like that! Don't worry about Baby Harry, he is too busy trying to stay away from Oscar and Abbey to be depressed! No more binge eating while he lives with me though!


That darn cat! Connie and Tim are too kind. I can't say I would do the same thing. Connie has such a soft spot for animals, though.