Thursday, June 14, 2007

Baby Luke Has Arrived!

My, oh my, what a cute little baby. Luke arrived around 2:20 early this morning. It was such a peaceful labor and delivery. Christine did so well, she said she didn't even feel like she did anything! I wish I can say that when I have my babies! Luke looks like he will have curly hair. He has Christine's lips (very shapely), and the rest looks like Jared. I think he'll be blond like Wyatt. I was pretty tired, since it was so early in the morning... but thanks to Jared, I had a grape Mister Misty Freeze from DQ to give me a sugar rush. It's so amazing to think that a new life has been brought to this earth. What a miracle! I told Christine and Jared that it would be a breeze to babysit Luke because he's so mellow. He is a perfect baby boy.

1 comment:

Tim and Connie said...

Thanks again for the pretzels, cheese and soda that night. I needed the extra boost. Oh, and the solitaire game on your computer. I wouldn't have survived the early morning with out you there...