Sunday, June 24, 2007

I Miss Dad!

My Dad is making Helsinki, Finland his home for the next 3 weeks. He is training to fly for Gemini... I'm not sure what kind of plane, but it's a big one! They are only a freight carrier. They use to let family come along, but because of 911, family can't anymore! Dang it! Dad gets to go to such cool places. The best one is Africa, where the pilots get there, go to the hotel to change, and then hop on the safari jeep!! No fair! He did say, however, that they fly to Afghanistan! Scary. I'm sure glad he was here for Fathers Day. I hope he's not too lonely there in Finland. He says there's a lake in front of the hotel, with green grass and pine trees like Pinetop. I can't wait for him to come home to tell me all about the Finland people, and his experience there. He texed me at 12:30 pm today and said he was getting ready for bed...that's a big time difference! The picture in Hawaii above is one of my favorites... doesn't he look like Rodney Dangerfield? I don't know what he was doing. It looks like he was showing us some kind of seed or nut. He was so intrigued with the ancient Polynesians and their way of life. He loved that Arboretum. Oh, it makes me laugh. That vacation was the most fun I have ever had with Dad. He is fun and relaxed in Hawaii! Aren't we all? I love you Dad!

1 comment:

Tim and Connie said...

I miss dad too. I want to go to Hawaii with him, I know you guys had so much fun together!